Hello everyone! Welcome to another entry in this little blog of mine. For a week now I have been enjoying "The Resistance" event in Call of Duty. I find these events very effective when it comes to drawing me back into the game, the promise of double XP and a plethora of easily obtainable loot crates, has me crawling back like a penniless man to a pawn shop. But there's more on offer than cosmetics and grinding, for the first time (I never played MWR) I played Prop Hunt and what an amusing aside that mode is. Granted, I'm more interested in Demolition, but Prop Hunt is something to be experienced. At least once.

Prop Hunt, is an idea so bizarre you could swear someone was either, drunk, high or both when thought up and no doubt is doubly more enjoyable when complemented with either of the former. To those not in the know, Prop Hunt is a round based mode with two teams: one team is the hunters. Armed with SMG's, stun grenades and hoards of ammo. The other team are props; a box, stack of tyes, German road sign, bomb or all manner of objects you would see in a map.
At the beginning of the match, the Props get thirty seconds to scamper round the map and get themselves blended in to the surroundings. Once the timer is up, the Hunters can seek. Every so many seconds there is a "whistle", where each of the props does a loud audible whistle, giving the Hunters some clue to where the Props are hiding.
This mode seems to play out similarly each game. In the early stages of the round, Hunters are cautious. They pay attention to each object, identify what stands out or what wasn't there before. As the timer ticks down things get desperate, the Hunters spray every object they come across in a mad panic, pinging themselves up all over the map, making it easier for more evasive Props to maneouver around, completely out of sight.
I almost fell of my sofa with guffawed laughter as I watched an "L" shaped piece of pipe, make a break for it with several Hunters in tow. It's like some terrible Benny Hill comedy sketch come COD. I can practically hear that jaunty trumpet bleating in my ears.
However, it isn't always a pleasant and jovial experience. In one match, on the London Docks map, I started the game as a small fuel can. My first thought is that I should hide in plain view, to be overlooked, right under a hunter's nose. So I headed for the middle of the map and that's when I spotted the stack of boxes through a gateway, a place commonly used to head glitch the courtyard. This is where I would "hide in plain view".
I wasn't at all impressed when a "teammate", a fellow prop, whom appeared as a long wooden barricade, decided to "hide" adjacent to me, against a wall. No sooner had the game begun that the first Hunter appeared in my sights, took one look in my direction and opened fire. Expelling me from the round. He did not however, notice the wooden barricade so out of place against the wall, over extending over the wall and askew. In fact, for the next two and half minutes nobody seems to spot the now squirming barricade until there are only two Props left! Then the fool makes a bloody run for it, right in front of Hunters! Spamming it's flash grenade effect in a vain attempt at survival.
To say I was livid is putting it lightly. I was seething! I shouted at the screen "what the fuck!" and "me, you saw me! What about the bloody wooden gate thing!" and "what a load of shit".
Now, I'm not pleased with losing my rag but it was a bloody good hiding spot I thought and I'm furious to discover it wasn't!

Now I've rambled on enough about Prop Hunt I really should be talking about something else, like how Sledgehammer games tossed the community a bone and buffed health regeneration after shattering the dreams of a reduced sprint out time.
There was a plethora of tweaks, adjustments and fixes that have fine tuned the WW2 multiplayer experience and they're very welcome. Sledgehammer over the last few weeks became quite vocal on the Reddit, alluding the changes and fixes to be made and they've made good on their word. I do hope that the communication remains and it won't be a case of going back into darkness until weeks before the next big update.
One thing that does bug me with each update is the secret nerfs and hidden buffs, did you know that they had nerfed the sound of footsteps? I didn't until I watched The Xclusive Ace's youtube video. I really do detest these under the radar alterations, they're often the ones with the greatest impact on the game and for god's sake, why keep it secret when the most hardcore of your fanbase will certainly unearth this sneak in as a little as week? Just bloody tell us and be done with it!
Oh look, I've rambled on again...
There is one last grumble I feel I need to voice and it's due to my status as an "Xboner". Unfortunately for me, COD these days favors the Playstation, offering "early access" to multiplayer maps a whole damned month before us Xboners. It's an extra month of rummaging through the current circulation of maps, half of which I still despise. I need some fresh content to rejuvenate my interest further.
Anywho, I hope you've all been enjoying the Resistance event and if you've had enjoyable stories to tell from Prop Hunt I would be delighted to read it.
As always, hit the +1 button and follow if you like what you read and you look forward to reading more.
Thanks for reading.
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